Everyday Joy-The Column

Please read previous Everyday Joy columns published in various newspapers.


The Triumph of Forgiveness

A Mother’s Gift

Yes You Can: Take Your Spirituality to Work

Joy: Its Your Birthright

Get Your Smile On: Today I Wanna Look Like Elmo

How Do You Pray?

We Are Aunt Hagar’s Children

Seven Spiritual Lessons Fathers Can Teach Their Children

Finding The Courage To Overcome Fears

Here’s What I Can Do

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  4. Give me credit! Always include:  By Regina M. Prude
  5. Always include a link to the main page of my blog:  http://www.reginaprude.com or, even better yet, a link back to the specific column or blog post you have chosen.
  6. Please include the following “About the Author” info—Regina M. Prude is an inspirational speaker, syndicated columnist and author. Send comments to regina@reginaprude.com. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook; read her blog posts at www.reginaprude.com.

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  1. Pingback: Maria Smith

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